Papa est devenu un lutin

The Rousseau family spends Christmas in a chalet deep in the forest, a tradition from their mother and while their father planned to continue working during the holidays. When Eric realizes he is unable to connect to the internet, this causes a conflict between him and his 7-year-old granddaughter, Nadia, who finds that he works too much. This conflict leads her to make a wish to Santa Claus so that her dad becomes an elf, so that he will be nicer and take more time to play with her and her little brother Jack. The next morning, to Nadia's surprise, Jack and their mom... realize that the spirit of Pedro Le Lutin is now in Daddy's body and will spend Christmas with them.

Cinémas Guzzo Les Films
Dominique Adams
Jean-Marie Corbeil
Anaïs Laforge
Elisabetta Fantone
Brandon Haber

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